
Crazy Iguana Software




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Anarchy Manual

When the game first starts as well at every new level there will be a document on the floor. This document is a vital part of the game. It has your mission in the level you are

in and what you must accomplish before moving on to the next level. To read document you must walk over document and hit the enter key when it is displayed above the inventory bar. This will display it so you can read it. Hit the enter key again to close document and place in inventory. To read document again you need to press the s key and toggle the blue box to the document and press space bar. Enter key closes document.


Inventory items such as health and shotgun shells automatically move into inventory and/or into your health status or shotgun shell count if you don't have full health

or shotgun shells. If you are at full health or shotgun shell count you must stand over them and hit the enter key when they show up just above the inventory bar.


Some doors require a key to be opened. If a key is required when you walk into door the key will show up to the left of the weapons window. You must find this key and pick it up using the enter key before you can proceed through the door. After key is used it may be dropped to make room in your inventory.


Inventory items such as health and shotgun shells automatically move into inventory and/or into your health status or shotgun shell count if you don't have full health

or shotgun shells. If you are at full health or shotgun shell count you must stand over them and hit the enter key when they show up just above the inventory bar.


General controls


Back and forward arrow keys moves back and forward.


Left and right arrow keys moves left and right.


CTRL key and left mouse button fires weapon.


Right mouse button by default makes warrior jump.


Right mouse button makes warrior run by changing settings

in the options-controls-mouse-right mouse button runs menu.


s key Puts blue box around first inventory item.


, . keys toggle between inventory item.


d key drops inventory item - if inventory line along bottom is full you must drop one item before picking up another.


F10 brings up game menu and allows to save or reload game ALT key also does the same.


c key crouches


[ left bracket key toggles between weapons.


t key toggles between crosshairs showing on screen or not.


h key toggles between your health showing on the right side of the screen or not.


a key - look up.


z key - look down.


1 key is ninja kick.


4 key is machine gun


7 key is shotgun.


w key toggles between the weapon window showing or not showing.